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Bébé Dangereux Requin Marteau

View 10 Bébé Dangereux Requin Marteau - The requin-marteau is a type of requin in the Sphyrnidae family. Only the large requin-marteau (Sphyrna mokarran) poses a threat to humans among the nine species. The requin-marteau is without a doubt the most easily recognized of all the cratures that live in the ocans, with its large museau aplati, voquant a marteau tte. The requin is a myth in and of itself; films have made an apologie for an animal that isn't as dangerous as it once was: we'll make the skin of these legends that sometimes prevent us from having certain experiences: Congratulations on your palms! 1.What is the world's most dangerous requin? [] Techniquement parlant

The requin, a symbol of the carnivorous animal? It will be necessary to say good-by to this cliche. The only squale known to consume plants is the requin-marteau tiburo, which grows along the northern and southern coasts of North and South America. Until recently, it was assumed The requin bouledogue, also known as the requin of Zambze, is an omnivorous requin of the carcharhinid family that lives in tropical and subtropical seas around the world. It is the most dangerous of the tropical requins for humans, being more aggressive than the great white requin.

A requin-marteau feeds on small fish, small requins, crustaceans, and calmars. The largest requins-marteaux enjoy eating raies pastenagues and have been observed using their tte to enfoncer the raies pastenagues in the substrate before mowing them. The requin marteau's tte resembles a marteau.

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