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Grundformen Der Angst Fritz Riemann Zusammenfassung

Angst is an inescapable part of our lives. The history of humanity reveals new attempts to alleviate, reduce, or eradicate fear. It is probably one of our illusions to believe that we can live a life free of fear. The existence of ngsten is mostly unrelated to culture or time period; what does matter are the anxiety objects. Früher waren es Naturgewalten, die inspirierten Angst, heute sind es Bakterien, Verkehrsunflle, or Unsamkeit, die inspirierend Angst auslsen. ngste are fundamentally nothing negative in this context, but they enable humans to go beyond themselves, for example. The primary reason for this is because human life and its design are bound by four fundamental requirements, which are antinomically assigned as polar opposites and so coexist: We should be a unique individuality, aware of our own selves and able to distinguish ourselves from other individuals.—> We should trust the world, life, and other people and place our trust in them. We should persist in our efforts, create plne, and carry them out in a sustainable and goal-oriented manner —> We should transform ourselves, bringing about changes and developments, and relinquishing falsehoods and habits.

Individuals with schizophrenia are prone to aggression, whereas those with depression are prone to masochism.

The author briefly skizifies the schizophrenic Persnlichkeit. This provides the impetus for âEigendrehungâ and is fueled by fear of surrender, specifically fear of losing one's autonomy or independence. According to Riemann, this contributes to the fact that schizophrenic individuals attempt to avoid mglichkeitst any Gef14hle and contact with other meiden. Feste Bindungen are not their forte. Rather than that, they often exhibit a lack of sexuality and empathy and are prone to sadism and aggression. Riemann blamiert dieses Verhalten auf zu wenig or too much krperliche Nhe am Kindesalter, e.g., lieblose oder überprsente M14tter. However, even schizophrenic personalities have their flaws. Thus, according to Riemann, they are self-sufficient and unabhngig. Additionally, they rely on a competent Beobachtungsgabe.

The fourth fundamental kind of fear is the Fliehkraft, the centrifugal force that constantly propels us toward change and transformation. We should be willing to transform ourselves, to accept changes and developments, to admit wrongdoing, to leave traditions and habits behind us, to disassociate ourselves from the recently accomplished and to take a step back, all of which should be experienced as a process. This kind of anxiety is consistent with hysterical states of mind. In sum, anxiety is not only a potentially avoidable blemish, but also a pervasive factor in our development. Wherever we encounter one of the greatest fears, we are always confronted with one of the greatest challenges of life; in accepting the fear and attempting to overcome it, we gain a new capacity - each fear overcome is a victory that strengthens us, and each withdrawal from it is a defeat that weakens us.

Since late February, there has been talk of a âZeitenwendeâ in light of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and Vladimir Putin's threat scenarios. Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz has coined the term "Bundeskanzler" on Twitter and in his Bundestagsrede on February 27. Germany has broken its policy of refusing to provide military assistance in times of war for the first time since 1945. And the European Leaders, with their heavily sanctioned Sanctions Packages against Wladimir Putin, are united in their commitment to peace and demonstrate a strong solidarity with Ukraine. Europa has been stymied by the war there. Now, there have been several violent political clashes and war situations in Europe since the Second World War - and other significant developments, such as 9/11 or the rapidly progressing climate change, raise the prospect of a âZeitenwendeâ. Prof. Bernhard Prksen, Medienwissenschaftler at the University of Tübingen, discusses his own interpretation of the term in light of the current European conflict and beyond. mehr...

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