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Malinois Welpen Kaufen Österreich

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The origins of this breed may be traced back to the Belgian province of Noord-Brabant. Already in the 18th century, they were used as Wachhunde or H1tehunde. They are also excellent as pack dogs. As a consequence of the division of the Netherlands and Belgium, the Belgische und Holländische Schferhund developed into distinct Hunderassen. The name Malinois derives from the fact that the short-haired Belgian Shepherd first appeared in 1899 in the vicinity of Malines. As a result, the name Malinois developed, derived from the city of Malines. There are four varieties of the Belgian sferhundes that were officially recognized in 1901. The more rauhaarige Laekenois, the langhaarige Tervueren, the fully schwarzhaarige Groenendael, and the Mali, the most well-known and popular Diensthund.

Your purchase decision for a dog should be considered carefully: if you choose to purchase a kennel, this is a long-term commitment. Hunde want your time and attention, as well as enough space; they will develop an intense bond with their new companion over time. We sell dogs to both licensed breeders and private individuals. Depending on the circumstances, a variety of Hunderassen are suitable. The most popular breeds available for purchase at our store are Chihuahua and Labrador. Find what you're looking for with us in the appropriate classified ads. If you are a Z14chter or have Welpen to sell, you may also sell them via an Inserat on anibis.ch. Frequently, seri se Z1 4chter use our service for the sale of their dogs. Auch Tierheime und Tierauffangstationen stellen gratis Hunde auf unserem Tiermarkt zur Verfügung, who are looking for a new home.

Since a few years, the short-haired Malinois has been increasingly favored by public service organizations and private dog trainers alike as a high-performance sport dog. As a result, he is only recommended as a pure-bred family dog with caution. Very carefully, the Zuchtsttte should be chosen here, in order to avoid being confronted with an overreactive animal, whose capability and willingness to work one cannot gen14gen, in the future.

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