View 19 Phantasialand Brühl Phantasialand Logo - The Freizeitpark Phantasialand in Köln (NRW), with its several award-winning roller coasters, attractions, and shows, offers limitless spa, action, and adventure for the whole family. Worldwide unique and record-breaking attractions in six theme areas, spectacular performances, magical overnight stays, and delectable food and drink. Rather than what you believe.
BRHL PHANTASIALAND. Phantasialand was built on a former coal mine site in 1967. Initially, the little Mrchenpark had a Marionette Theater, an Eisenbahn, and an Oldtimer-Bahn. With an innovative spirit and substantial investment, the Phantasialand continues to grow and establishes itself as a world-class destination. Phantasialand is a theme park in the German town of Brhl, North Rhine-Westphalia. 1 Roller coasters 1.1 At the moment (7) 1.2 Previous (2) Two Attractions. Please click on a picture to see the licensing information. The "Corkscrew" logo is based on a picture by Coasterman1234 from the English Wikipedia, which is licensed under the CC-BY-SA license.
Yes, the Phantasialand-Shuttlebus operates between the KVB-Haltestelle of Line 18 Brhl Mitte" and the DB-Bahnhof Brhl (Rheinland)" and Phantasialand. Please keep in mind that while using the shuttle bus, delays may occur due to current regulations regarding distance and hygiene. Greetings from Phantasialand's Wintertraum. On an incredible winter day, look forward to all that makes winter so beautiful: wonderful winter worlds brimming with light and beauty. In the dark, breath-taking attractions. Delectable winter treats. Heartwarming performances. Winter vacations are rapidly approaching.