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Piaget's Stages Of Development Egocentrism

Operative intelligence is the component of intelligence that is proactive. It encompasses all overt and covert efforts used in attempt to track, retrieve, or predict the alterations of things or individuals of interest. [11] Figurative intelligence is the more or less static part of intelligence, including all modes of representation needed to remember intermediate states (i.e., consecutive forms, shapes, or places) between transformations. That is, perception, imitation, mental images, sketching, and language are all involved. [12] Thus, the figurative dimensions of intelligence receive their meaning from the operational dimensions of intelligence, since states cannot exist apart from the transformations that link them. According to Piaget, the figurative or representational components of intelligence are subordinate to its operational and dynamic features, and hence that understanding arises primarily from the operational side of intelligence. [11] At each point in time, operating intelligence shapes how the world is comprehended, and it changes if comprehension fails. According to Piaget, this process of comprehension and transformation is comprised of two fundamental functions: assimilation and accommodation. [12] [13][14][15]

Children are born with fundamental âaction schemas,â such as sucking and grabbing, according to Piaget's theory. He defined the sensory-motor phase (birth to two years) as the time during which youngsters "assimilate" information about the environment via the use of action schemas. Piaget identifies two roles of children's language in his book "The Language and Thought of the Child": "egocentric" and "socialized." Children's language is "egocentric" throughout the sensory-motor period: they speak for themselves or "for the joy of associating anybody who happens to be there with the action of the moment." Period of Pre-Operation

In Piaget's theory of cognitive development, the preoperational stage is the second stage. This period typically starts around the age of two and lasts until around the age of seven. During this stage, children are thinking on a symbolic level but have not yet developed the ability to perform cognitive functions. During this period, the child's thinking is pre (before to) operations. This suggests the youngster is incapable of applying logic or transforming, combining, or separating thoughts (Piaget, 1951, 1952).

Piaget's 1936 hypothesis was groundbreaking because it demonstrated that children's brains function substantially differently from adults'. Prior to his idea, many felt that youngsters could not reason as well as adults. Certain specialists take issue with his concept of phases. Rather than that, they see development as a continual process. Another critique is that Piaget overlooked the influence of culture and social environment on a child's development.

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