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Un Security Council Chamber Mural

Thirdly, the Council is an intergovernmental organization composed of nations for states. The Council is primarily an intergovernmental body. Although the Council is often referred to as the âUN Security Councilâ as if it were a self-contained body distinct from its component elements (its members), it is not necessarily a self-contained actor. As Roberts and Zaum correctly point out, the Council is not a unified corporate organization but rather a focal point for state collaboration, particularly great-power cooperation. The Council is a member state forum that was created for member states and operates on the basis of member state collaboration. The Council does not have the authority to act unless and until member states unanimously resolve to act and then provide the necessary resources to carry out that decision. Thomas Weiss concurs, concluding that the UN is largely an institutional framework within which member states may pursue or channel their foreign policy.

The Security Council is charged with the primary duty for maintaining international peace and security under the Charter. It is composed of fifteen members, each of whom has one vote. All Member States are required under the Charter to comply with Council decisions. The Security Council Chamber was equipped by Norway and created by Arnstein Rynning Arneberg, a prominent Norwegian architect. It is instantly identifiable by its center horseshoe-shaped table. The east wall is dominated by a massive painting by Norwegian artist Per Lasson Krohg, portraying the hope of future peace and individual liberty.

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[8] Number of Security Council resolutions rejected by each of the Security Council's five permanent members between 1946 and 2007.

Article 27 of the UN Charter requires the Security Council to vote affirmatively on all relevant concerns. A permanent member's negative vote, or veto, commonly known as the rule of "great power unanimity," precludes a proposal from being adopted, even if it receives the requisite number of positive votes (9). Despite the Charter's language, abstention is not treated as a veto. China (ROC/PRC) has used its veto six times since the Security Council's creation; France 18 times; Russia/USSR 123 times; the United Kingdom 32 times; and the United States 82 times. The bulk of Russian/Soviet vetoes occurred during the Council's first decade of existence. China and France have each vetoed three resolutions since 1984; Russia/USSR has vetoed four; the United Kingdom has vetoed ten; and the United States has rejected 43.

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