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Rosenheim Cops Hochzeit In Rosenheim

[edit] Concept The series' central emphasis is on the opposing characters of a rustic Upper Bavarian small town inspector and his constantly changed city slicker colleague, who is generally relocated to the town for a variety of inexplicable reasons. Regardless of their differences, new colleagues are always welcomed and promptly absorbed into the team.

(ZDF text)

Peter Pracht, a Kaminkehrer, was assassinated. Quirin Lachner, his chef, is exceptional. The Kommissare Stadler and Andresen deduce that he and the victim started their relationship together. However, Harry Moser had justification for murder: Sein Nachtklub wurde geschlossen in response to an anonymous advertisement alleging illicit gambling. According to Peter Pracht's advertisement, this is how it transpires. However, Gisela Lachner also diverts the investigator's attention. She is the Ehefrau of Prachts Chef Quirin and has committed the Diebesgut of her Man â ostensibly for the sake of resolving an autoreparatur. However, the Commissioners discover that she had an affair. Is this connected to the assassination of Kaminkehrer Pracht? While Stadler and Andresen investigate, an autoverwechslung at the Commissariat provides for Aufregung.

The ZDF's first-ever crime drama, "Die Rosenheim-Cops," premiered in 2002 and centers on the daily life of Joseph Hannesschlger's portrayal of Kriminalhauptkommissar Korbinian Hofer. Bayerische Brüche play a significant role in the plot. In "Die Rosenheim-Cops," Rosenheimer Korbinian Hofer teams up with a partner criminal who is often from a nearby city. Hofers Verstndnis f1 4r die Traditionen der lndlichen Bevlkerung often contributes to the successful conclusion of investigations. Frequently, there are clashes with the police director, since he co-owns a farm with his sister Marie.

The fundamental tenet of criminology is the marked contrast to the investigator pair. While the titular Urbayer Korbinian Hofer (Josef Hannesschlger) tucks away with the Tractor over the Rosenheimer Bauernhof with his Schwester, his colleagues, who join him throughout the series, are drawn from a variety of German Grostdten. As women heroes and technophiles, they distinguish themselves from Hofer in the same way as their city-specific investigative methods do. Ulrich Satori (Markus Bker), formerly from Munich but now based in Rosenheim, is replaced in the fourth season by Kriminalhauptkommissar Christian Lind (Tom Mikulla) from Gttingen. Lind discontinues the series in 2009 due to a love affair and relocates to Hamburg. For him, the 8. Staffel's Kriminalhauptkommissar Sven Hansen (Igor Jeftic) arrives, who, unlike his forefathers, wishes to go to Rosenheim on his own.

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